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Què vol dir aquest avís i a on surt?

3 meetings

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Currently, there are no scheduled meetings, but here you can find all the past meetings listed.
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Calendar URL:

You can see all the published meetings in your calendar application or provider. Copy and paste this URL in your calendar using the "Add new calendar from an URL" option.
Please note that you're exporting a selection of meetings, as there are active filters. If you wish to export them all, reset all filters first.
Reunió per acordar el traspàs del portal participa a producció
  • Date
  • 23 January 2018  ·  14:00 - 17:00
    c/ tapineria, 10 tercera planta
    Secretaria de Transparència
Punt Control participa
Avatar: Official meeting Official meeting
Reunió per fer el seguiment de la plataforma
  • Date
  • 19 January 2018  ·  14:00 - 15:00
  • Secretaria de Transparència i Govern Obert
    c/ tapineria, 10 tercera planta
Punt Control participa
Avatar: Official meeting Official meeting
Reunió per fer el seguiment de la plataforma
  • Date
  • 19 January 2018  ·  14:00 - 15:00
  • Secretaria de Transparència i Govern Obert
    c/ tapineria, 10 tercera planta

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